
Предупреждения, Wilnis


20.05 4:00 PM 16:00 – 20.05 5:00 PM 17:00

Thunderstorms with locally abundant rain in a short period of time and a risk of localized flooding. Hail up to approximately 2 cm in diameter and wind gusts around 70 km/h are also possible locally. BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.



21.05 4:00 AM 04:00 – 21.05 10:59 PM 22:59

Increased water levels at the rivers Rhine and IJssel due to precipitation and/or snowmelt in Germany and Switzerland Floodplains and other areas not protected by levees may flood. More information: https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/water/waterdata-en-waterberichtgeving/waterbericht/index.aspx


Cледующие 24 часов